TimisoaraCTF 2018 - NG Child (250) - Reverse Engineering

Challenge Oh, you're here... Good, because I really need you at this moment. So, you know I'm ambitious and trying to be accepted at one of the best universities. Every year they are giving a challenge to students that want to be accepted at their university. An accepted student is called "Next Generation Child", you know all this Next-Gen hype... I believe this challenge is not so hard and I want to prove that they are Old-Gen. Ready? NOTE: When …

SwampCTF 2018 - Apprentice's Return 399 - Pwn

Challenge For one such as yourself, apprentice to the arts of time manipulation, you must pass this first trial with a dreadful creature. Connect: nc chal1.swampctf.com 1802 Solution File: $ file return return: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=5e510acf107cc9f91edd02f76f14598fcb30de6b, not stripped First, we have to know what is the functionality of the program. To do it, we did reverse engineering to understand the program. Summarizing, the program gets a …

Mr. Robot 3x08. Dialogue...

It's me. Angela. Come on. Open up. Let's talk. I'm worried about you. I wish I could say something that could snap you out of this. Remember when we used to do our wishing game? We'd close our eyes, and we'd wish for something. Whatever we wanted. We both wished we could get bigger bedrooms. That was a big one. You would always wish for more protractors, which was weird. I would wish for a faster computer. Probably faster modem …

34C3 CTF 2017 - m0rph 49 - Reverse Engineering

Challenge To get you started :) files: Link difficulty: easy Summary A stripped binary that compare character by character in a random order, also, the comparison is in an assembly code that it will change the comparison in each iteration in the loop. Solution Binary: $ file unknown morph: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=1c81eb4bc8b981ed39ef79801d6fef03d4d81056, stripped The binary get one arguments, that it is the flag and first comparison …

TUCTF CTF 2017 - Unknown 200 - Reverse Engineering

Challenge Diggin through some old files we discovered this binary. Although despite our inspection we can't figure out what it does. Or what it wants... unknown - md5: 9f08f6e8240d4a0e098c4065c5737ca6 Summary It is a typical reverse engineering task where we have to get the password (that in this case is the flag). For this purpose I have used the tools, objdump and radare2, and Python to develop the solution. Solution $ file unknown unknown: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 …