Hello, and welcome to my personal website, As a cybersecurity enthusiast and experienced software developer, I enjoy exploring the latest trends in the tech world and using my skills to solve problems and create new solutions. On this site, you'll find valuable information and resources about topics such as Android and Linux, programming, and cybersecurity best practices. Please take a look around and feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.

"hack to learn not learn to hack"

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Verifying Bluetooth encryption key size with Raspberry Pi

When you are working on cybersecurity as evaluator (analyst, penetration tester, and so on); sometimes you will be in front of test cases that they have not been performed before. These tests are always challenges for us; and what is more gratifying for a ethical hacker that a hacking challenge.This specific case is relative to a Security Functional Requirement (SFR) of a NIAP protection profile about Bluetooth.* Same tests for LE.In a previous post, additional information and some differences about …

Understanding Bluetooth security I

Recenlty I have been working with the Bluetooth protocol. I had knwoledge about bluetooth for a Master Degree I studied (Master en Telematica y redes de telecomunicaciones of University of Malaga). Obviously, It was a lot of years ago, so to remember this time, I got the Bluetooth Core Specification and; this time it will not be only teorical because I should to perform some tests like this:These kind of tests are very complex since mostly of tools implement correctly …

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